Anastecia Francis
4 min readSep 9, 2022

Meet Paysenger 👋

Paysenger is the easiest way on the planet to get in touch with influencers, thought leaders, politicians, speakers, or in general, people of skill, status and significant influence who are now more out of reach than ever.

The advent of the Internet was supposed to connect people all over the world. However, it’s now pulling us apart.

And it’s all because of the degrading behavior of spammers and advertisers who have forced the public to be in an “always be ignoring” mentality.

Especially people that are in demand are constantly spammed with requests from agents, bots, businesses, brands, and journalists that it is impossible for them to distinguish between high-value, genuinely beneficial connections that are relevant to them with baloney on the internet.

To fix this, Paysenger has opened up a new channel of premium, reliable and ethical communication online by monetizing all interaction. We make it easier for people of skill or status to allow others to contact them, either via audio, IM, or video in exchange for most fiat currencies or our platform’s “attention currency” known as EGO.

EGO–the platform’s ‘attention token’

Time is money and Paysenger’s built-in attention currency system called EGOCoin will revolutionize the way people trade or “sell” their time and attention on the platform.

Time is a finite resource and EGO gives everyone a realistic way of measuring the worth of their time so that every interaction between buyers and sellers of attention becomes direct, productive, to-the-point, and free from marketing bias.

The currency can not only be traded for time, but also earned on the platform by selling NFTs on the built-in marketplace or by trading with others.

Paysenger allows exchange of exclusive content between people who interact with each other on the platform, and ensures that intellectual properties of both parties are protected by turning shared content into NFTs.

The platform’s revolutionary well-regulated attention economy will create numerous exciting ways for people to achieve their life goals by buying or selling attention.

How does Paysenger work?

Platform Roles

On Paysenger users can find themselves in different roles depending on what they are looking for: Requesters (Idea-makers) are individuals, creative brands or companies that come up with ideas. These ideas are sent as paid requests to Creators who then turn them into the content. Content Consumers are those who enjoy, share, and engage with the content and are rewarded with monetary prizes for performing activities on the platform.

Paysenger roles are not set in stone. You could be any of the above at any time!

Workflow and Use Cases

Quick workflow summary

Send a content request: Idea-makers find creators they want to collaborate with and send them detailed content requests.

Create content: Creators produce and deliver content based on requests from the idea-makers. Finished content can be posted on the Paysenger Feed. In addition, all content is turned into NFTs, securing the ownership of both the creator and the idea maker.

Get rewarded: Both creators and idea-makers get a share of the rewards earned from top-performing content.

Content requests

Idea-maker (requesters) find creators in the catalog and collaborate with them to bring content ideas to life. The first step is to send a paid content request to a creator.

The price of a request is specified by the creator, however, requesters can also bid higher for a prompt response. When an idea-maker sends a paid request, the payment gets reserved by the system until the request gets fulfilled by the creator.

If a creator doesn’t respond to a request within {Money_Unblock_Period} days or chooses to decline the request, the money initially reserved by the system automatically gets returned to the requester’s account.

After a creator responds and fulfills the request, the payment gets released by the system and 80% of it gets transferred to the creator’s balance. The remaining 20% is withheld by Paysenger as a platform fee.

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