Kang kai the best project in Crypto space.
KÃNG KÂI is a Mandarin Chinese word meaning generous and giving. It is also the philosophy behind the KÃNG KÂI Miner dApp.
The KÃNG KÂI Miner was developed to give something both familiar and generous back to the defi crypto space. While the miner mechanics are familiar for seasoned investors, the development team behind KÃNG KÂI did find a way to add a few new mechanics and a way to give back to the investors.
The KÃNG KÂI Miner is a decentralized static Miner application that operates on the BSC Chain. It offers a daily static yield of 3% which can be collected or re-invested in 7-10 day intervals. The miner runs on FORTUNE COOKIES, which are purchased using BUSD.
1 BUSD = 1 Fortune Cookie.
Investors can deposit their FORTUNE COOKIES in the KÃNG KÂI miner through the dApp.
The minimum deposit is 50 BUSD. The maximum deposit is 50,000 BUSD
The total maximum wallet cap is 50,000 BUSD.
The maximum weekly withdrawal is 10,000 BUSD per wallet.
FORTUNE COOKIE deposits yield a static daily ROI of 3%. (Example: 1 FORTUNE COOKIES = 3 FORTUNE COOKIES OR 3 BUSD per day)
Maximum Profits per total deposit (including re-investments) is 300% of the deposited total.
Investors can claim or re-invest their FORTUNE COOKIES every 7-10 days.
Every 7 days, the investor’s Claim/Re-invest cycle opens. During this time, the investor can choose to claim, re-invest, or both. If the investor does not take action by the 10-day mark of the cycle, all accumulation will be paused until such time as the investor chooses one of the previously mentioned actions. The investor can still take action after the 10-day mark, but there will be no accumulation of rewards after 10 days until the investor chooses an action, which will begin a new 7-10 day cycle.
KÃNG KÂI is happy to present an innovative way of increasing your position while claiming rewards at the same time. The dApp UI will introduce a compound slider feature that will allow investors to decide how much of their accumulated wealth they would like to claim and how much they would like to re-invest.
Investors can choose the following ratios for CLAIM/RE-INVEST:
Claim All
75 Claim /25 Reinvest
50 Claim /50 Reinvest
25 Claim /75 Reinvest
Re-invest All
The Kang Kai Blessing!
1% of all Deposits each week will be rolled up into a KÃNG KÂI Blessing. Every 7 Days, the 1% will be divided between three random investor’s wallets. Each wallet will receive 25% of the total KÃNG KÂI Blessing amount. The remaining 25% will roll over into the next week to ensure that the blessings continue.
The Blessing cycle is 7 days, with Day 1 being the beginning of the collection phase, and the blessings being bestowed on day 7. The cycle begins fresh every 7 days. NOTE: Only the wallets with fresh deposits into KÃNG KÂI that week will be eligible. Re-investments do not count.
KÃNG KÂI Miner will incorporate a robust referral system. Each connected wallet with at least the minimum deposit invested will receive a unique referral code embedded into a URL link they can share with people. With this feature, all an investor will need to do is share their referral URL and it will take their referred friends directly to the dApp with their referral information already in it.
For every new member referred, both the referrer and the referred will receive a 1.5% bonus of the invested amount.
The referred 1.5% will be added to their overall deposit
The referrer’s 1.5% will be made available immediately
EXAMPLE: If Person A refers Person B, and Person B deposits 100 BUSD, then Person B’s deposit will show 101.5 BUSD, and Person A will have 1.5 BUSD available for withdrawal immediately.
NOTE: In order for someone to receive referral rewards, they must have deposited at least the minimum 50 BUSD into KÃNG KÂI.
For more information join us 👇
Telegram: https://t.me/kang_kai
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ParamountStaker/
Discord: https://discord.prmnt.finance/