B² Network is a Layer-2 solution that bolsters exchange speed and broadens application variety without forfeiting security.
B² Network is the initial zero-information evidence confirmation responsibility rollup on Bitcoin. Utilizing rollup innovation, B² Network gives a stage capable of running Turing-complete shrewd agreements for off-chain exchanges, which improves exchange proficiency and limits costs. Also, zero-information evidence innovation is utilized pair with entryway responsibility and challenge-reaction of Taproot to ensure value-based protection and security during affirmation on Bitcoin.
Responsibility for ZK-Rollup on Bitcoin:
B² Network is a Layer 2 solution on Bitcoin, basically using zero-knowledge confirmation check responsibilities submitted to Bitcoin. It permits challengers to start misrepresentation verifications for debates, expecting to use the strong agreement of Bitcoin to guarantee the security of the B² Network.
ZK-Rollup is a Layer 2 scaling answer for blockchains that totals various exchanges and uses zero-knowledge verifications to guarantee the rightness and culmination of these exchange clusters. It checks zero-knowledge verifications on the Layer 1 blockchain network, in this way utilizing the Layer 1 network to guarantee the security of the Layer 2 network. It means to expand the throughput of blockchain frameworks, lessen exchange costs, and keep an elevated degree of safety and information respectability.
The activity cycle of ZK-Rollup is generally as follows:
Exchange Conglomeration and Requesting:
Clients submit exchanges to ZK-Rollup, which are then added to a mempool. The ZK-Rollup Sequencer recovers exchanges from the mempool and performs total and requesting. The Sequencer is liable for handling exchanges, refreshing record states, and at last producing a group addressing these updates.
State Change and Calculation: All exchanges and state refreshes are performed off-chain. ZK-Rollup's Virtual Machine (counting different zero-knowledge confirmation savvy contract execution motors like zkEVM, zkVM, and so on) figures new record states and handles activities like exchanges and brilliant agreement cooperations. It likewise produces vital information and proof to demonstrate that these exchanges and state refreshes are legitimate, including new record states and zero-knowledge evidences.
Zero-Knowledge Verification Age:
ZK-Rollup's Prover utilizes zero-knowledge confirmation innovation, (for example, zk-SNARKs or zk-STARKs) to make a proof that all collected exchanges are legitimate and don't disregard network rules. This evidence safeguards client protection and guarantees information respectability and security without uncovering any data about the exchange contents.
Zero-Knowledge Evidence Check:
The Aggregator presents the bunch's information and zero-knowledge confirmation to the Layer 1 blockchain network. This is typically finished in a packed structure to decrease the expected on-chain space. Savvy contracts on the Layer 1 blockchain network get this information and confirmation and check its legitimacy. Assuming that the evidence is legitimate, the agreement will refresh the state recorded by the ZK-Rollup layer.
The center of ZK-Rollup lies in the age and confirmation of zero-knowledge verifications. Exchanges in ZK-Rollup are executed off-chain, and states are created off-chain. The Prover creates a zero-knowledge verification as a pledge to ZK-Rollup. This responsibility addresses the right and legitimate execution of exchanges on ZK-Rollup, prompting the right state. The Layer 1 blockchain network doesn't have to check all exchanges and provinces of ZK-Rollup, just the responsibility. The check of the responsibility is finished through the Layer 1 network's savvy shrinks by checking the zero-knowledge evidence, accordingly affirming the legitimacy of ZK-Rollup.
In this way, in Ethereum's ZK-Rollup, the zero-knowledge verification information is the responsibility presented by the Layer 2 network to the Layer 1 network.
B² Network, through the Ordinals Convention, totals the rollup’s information and evidence and keeps in touch with them into Tapscript. It uses different decentralized stockpiling conventions to save the nitty gritty rollup information, successfully guaranteeing the information accessibility of the rollup.
B² Network records the zero-knowledge confirmation check responsibility on Bitcoin, permitting any eyewitness to challenge the responsibility. This system empowers the legacy of Bitcoin’s security, arriving at agreement on the rollup’s information on the Bitcoin network.
Website: https://www.bsquared.network/
Twitter: @BsquaredNetwork
Telegram: https://t.me/bsquared_chat